Effect of nano-silicon on the germination and seedling growth of landrace and cultivar of wheat (Aestivum sativum)

Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc Student of Agronomy/ Zabol University

2 Associate Professor of Department of Agronomy/Zabol University

3 MSc Student of Agroecology/ Zabol University


This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of nano-silicon on germination and early growth of native and improved variety of wheat at laboratory research of Zabol University. Experimental design was randomized factorial design with four replications. Factors were different concentrations of nano-silicon (0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 mM) and different varieties of wheat including Kalak, Afghani and Bolani (native) and Hamoun and Erg (improved).  Nano-silicon application influenced early growth parameters of wheat including root and shoot length, germination percentage, germination rate andseedlingweight. Results indicated that silicon concentration increasing up to 0.2 mM increased studied parameters. Accordingly the greatest seedling length, fresh and dry weight of root and seedlings, vigor index, germinations percentage and germination rate was observed at 0.2 mM silicon.  Interaction of silicon and wheat variety was significant and the greatest influence and the least parameters was achieved at 0.2 mM silicon and Hamoun, and no silicon application and Bolani, respectively. Among wheat variety the greatest and the least parameters was observed in Hamoun and Bolani, respectively. These results suggested that silicon improved germination percentage and evenness of wheat varieties. 


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