Effect of hydropriming on coneflower (Echinacea purpurea ) seed germination and seedling growthunder salt stress

Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc Student of Seed Science and Technlogy/ Shahed University

2 Assistant Professor / Shahed University

3 MSc Student of Seed Science and Technology/ Shahed University


In order to investigate the effect of priming techniques on germination paramaters of seed were evaluated germination and growth the effect of hydropriming coneflower seeds in terms of salinity.Factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with three replications in Seed Technology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture controls.  The factores was inclouded from four levels of non-primed, 10, 20 and 30 hours priming seed and five salinity levels with distilled water (control), 3, 6, 9 and 12 ds/m natural salt lake in Qom. Analysis of variance showed that the interaction between priming and salinity data on the percentage of germination, shoot and root dry weight of shoot and root and seed vigor was significant. Percent germination rate and increase the duration of priming and salt stress than non-primed seeds fell. But hydropriming treatment for 10 hours significantly increased salinity 3 ds/m rate and percentage of germination, shoot and root and seed vigor was. The hydropriming treatment for 10 hours under salt stress shoot and root dry weight increased 6 ds/m what happened. Thus, according to the priorities of germination or growth of root and shoot, as well as the cost of seed priming can be hydropriming treatment for 10 hours under salt stress 6 ds/m as the most favorable for seed germination hydropriming coneflower recommended.


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